Besidomintiems mokslo filosofijos ir mokslo istorijos sąsajomis
Besidomintiems mokslo filosofijos ir mokslo istorijos sąsajomis štai keletas bibliografionių pastabų: Ronaldo Giere’o iššūkis ir Ernano McMullino bei Richardo Buriano atsakas (Giere R. (1973), “History and Philosophy of Science: Intimate Relationship or Marriage of Convenience?”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24, p. 282-297; McMullin E. (1974) “History and Philosophy of Science: A Marriage of Convenience?”, PSA 1974, p. 585-601; Burian R. (1977), “More than a Marriage of Convenience: On the Inextricability of History and Philosophy of Science”, Philosophy of Science 44, p. 1-42).
Arba neseniai įvykęs Josepho Pitto ir Richardo Buriano ginčas (Pitt J. (2001), “The Dilemma of Case Studies: Toward a Heraclitian Philosophy of Science”, Perspectives on Science 9, p. 373-382; Burian R. (2001), “The Dilemma of Case Studies Resolved: The Virtues of Using Case Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science”, Perspectives on Science 9, p. 383-404).